At a glance
To make the setup process as easy and comfortable as possible for you, we created this five-step setup process.
1. Order
You can place an order for your new campaign directly via our Customer Care Team by sending us an email to
2. Access
We will arrange a workplace in Freedcamp and give you access to it right away. Freedcamp is an easy-to-use collaboration tool that we use for all campaign setups. By using Freedcamp we can make sure that you know about all the possibilities the form has to offer. You will find subtasks with explanations for all the specifications, that we need for the setup of your campaign.
For more information visit our Help Center Articles:
- donation form
- Recruiting Campaigns
- Petition- Campaign (in progress)
3. Conception
When you have provided all the information and uploaded all the images to Freedcamp, please contact us again, so that we can get started with the setup.
4. Setup
Standard Setup
Your new campaign will be set up within 10 working days, exactly like you defined it at your Freedcamp workspace. The price for the standard setup is € 149,- .
When filled out in Freedcamp, the following features are included in the standard setup of € 149,-:
- Campaign setup (images, customized design, payment methods, payment intervals, emails, optins, etc.)
- Donorfeedback setup
- Setup SMS messages
- Setup print confirmations (Switzerland)
- Activation quality checks & workflows
- Activation Staffcloud connection
- Activation Zapier connection
Charged separately: (hourly rate € 132,-)
- XLSX, PDF, CSV exports/imports
- Setup Pitchdeck
- Setup new Quicksight Dashboard
- Setup new point system
- Setup new API user
Express Setup
As Fundraisers, we know that sometimes things don't go as planned and that you have to act fast. If the standard setup is not fast enough for your new project we offer an express setup for € 449,- per campaign.
If you choose an express setup, we will finish your campaign in three instead of ten working days, after you have given us all the information.
We will inform you as soon as your campaign is available to you on your User Account.
When filled out in Freedcamp, the following features are included in the standard setup of € 449,-:
- Campaign setup (images, customized design, payment methods, payment intervals, emails, optins, etc.)
- Donorfeedback setup
- Setup SMS messages
- Setup print confirmations (Switzerland)
- Activation quality checks & workflows
- Activation Staffcloud connection
- Activation Zapier connection
Charged separately: (hourly rate € 132,-)
- XLSX, PDF, CSV exports/imports
- Setup Pitchdeck
- Setup new Quicksight Dashboard
- Setup new scoring system
- Setup new API user
5. Acceptance
You can now test, review the texts and designs and make the last changes that might come up.
As soon as you accept the campaign or start to sign up actual donors with the campaign the setup process is completed. After this, further adoptions to your campaign will be charged with the regular rate of € 132,- per hour.
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