In this section, you can see and edit all the existing Fundraiser profiles that have been created for you so far. In the first overview, you can already quickly select certain roles for fundraisers and set their status to active/inactive.

This view can again be filtered by certain criteria.
Fundraisers can be filtered by:
- Team leader
- Coach
- Active/Inactive
- Language
- City
New fundraiser accounts can be added through the "create fundraiser" button in the upper right which will redirect you to the fundraiser creation interface:

Required Fields:
First Name: The first name of the fundraiser
Last Name: The last name of the fundraiser
Fundraiser Code: The unique number of the fundraiser. Each fundraiser's username is composed of the customer prefix and fundraiser code (e.g. for a "Demo" company the login would be "demo-{code}").
At the top right, the role of the fundraiser can be changed, either to team leader or coach. The default is both off. The fundraiser can also be set to active or inactive here.
With the save button on the bottom right, the Fundraiser can be saved and can then be assigned to a team already.

ATTENTION: If a fundraiser has not logged in for a month, it is automatically set to inactive. A fundraiser who is inactive can no longer log in. The error that is then displayed states " invalid credentials"!
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