In this section, you will find all the relevant statistics regarding donations and petitions.

Under "Donations" all statistics on donations are displayed. Here you can again select according to campaign, teams and fundraiser. All three options can again be filtered by search term, campaign, coach, location, campaign type, tags and presentation. It is possible to export the chosen statistic as excel or as a CSV file.

With the button "columns" all widgets/filters will be displayed. The order of these can also be changed. All widgets that are also available for the fundraiser dashboard can be displayed. These can be set by us, so if you need any additional filters or widgets, just reach out to our Customer Care Team!

Tip: If you don't see anything displayed at first in this section, make sure that a time frame has been set in the top right corner and that you also selected a widget from the columns. 🚀
Under Petitions, all statistically relevant data about the petitions are displayed. Here, too, you can choose whether the statistics of the campaign, the teams and the fundraisers are displayed. The petitions have their own widgets that will gladly be set for you by our Customer Care Team.
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