The Formunauts App now has a check-in Flow, so that fundraisers need to upload an image before they can continue to work with the donation form.
How to use
Once the feature is enabled fundraisers will still be able to access the dashboard, achievements, time tracking and all the features outside of the donation form.
However once they try to access the form they will be asked to finish the photo verification process.
The only exception from this are coaches, who will only be asked to do this if they have a workshift assigned to a campaign that has the feature enabled.
Once the fundraiser clicks on Select photo on the check-in page, the image sheet opens, where the picture can be uploaded.
With a mobile device, the fundraiser can also take photos and upload them directly.
With a click on Select photo, the default OS/browser file picker is shown, which depends on the OS/browser that is used. Once an image has been chosen, it will be shown here. The save button will remain unclickable until a file has been uploaded. If the Image is too big, the maximum width/height is scaled down to 512 pixels, while preserving the aspect ratio.
With Cancel the sheet can be closed without uploading the image.
With Choose… a different file can be chosen.
With 1 and 2 the image can be rotated (1 for counterclockwise, 2 for clockwise).
With 3 the image can be cropped to the desired size.
By pressing the checkmark, the Save button becomes enabled, and the image can be uploaded.
Once Save has been clicked, the image will be uploaded. While uploading, the Save button converts to a loader to indicate the uploading.
After the upload is completed, the check-in page is shown again.
The Fundraiser is then notified that it was uploaded successfully, and when it was uploaded. When it failed, due to a missing internet connection or the system did not accept the picture (for example if the fundraiser has no work shift), the photo verification is considered “started” and the card will show the last attempt.
If the photo verification fails or is pending, the fundraiser can still access the donation form. However, after 30 minutes, he will get redirected to the check in flow and has to do another photo upload. This will happen until a picture could successfully be uploaded.
Different states of photo verification:
not uploaded |
tried to upload while offline |
photo could be uploaded |
Additionally, a status can be given to the photos via the "Fundraiser Photo Verification" section in the admin area. After uploading, the default status will be Pending. This can be changed to either Accepted or Refused. Also, a Status Comment can be set, reflecting the status and giving information as to why this status was set. When setting the status to Refused, the fundraiser will have to upload another picture once he finishes a form or opens the donation form. The upload of the second photo works as if none was uploaded.
Maybe it takes to refreshes before the fundraiser has to upload another picture. With the first refresh the status of the old picture will gets send to the Formunauts system, with the second refresh the Formunauts system checks the status for refused and opens the check in flow again.
The status can also be set as bulk for multiple photo verifications. Just select all the photo verifications where the status should be set and choose Change Status in the action list at the bottom. On the page that opens, select the status that should be set. Additionally, a status comment can be set here for all selected photos. If the status to be set is Refused, the status reasons can also be set for these photo verification. To save the changes, press Yes, I’m sure.
If the Status is set to Refused, additional refusal reasons can be set in the photo verification detail view. These will also be listed in the photo verification list view and in the export. The reasons are as followed:
- Branded clothing but incorrectly worn
- Breach of policies
- ID badge does not match fundraiser
- ID badge worn but not visible
- Incorrect setup
- No branded clothing worn
- No ID badge
- No podium
- Photo does not match requirements
- Podium but no wrap
- Trainee badge worn
- Untidy podium
- Wrong location
- Old Photo Uploaded
It is also possible to choose multiple reasons if more than one applies.
The reason is then also shown to the fundraiser the next time he has to upload the picture for that day.
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