Get a complete overview of all your recruiting campaigns.
Each campaign has unique requirements to ensure you're attracting the best candidates for different roles.
To edit an existing campaign, simply click on its thumbnail.
Click the button in the top right corner to add a new recruiting campaign.
When creating a new recruiting campaign, you can configure various options. Below, we’ll explain the purpose of each field.
Minimum Age
Specify the minimum age required for applicants.
Maximum Age
Specify the maximum age limit for applicants.
Set a person responsible for this campaign.
Head recruiter
Set a supervisor for your recruiting campaign.
Job type
Side job or holiday.
Minimum Work Time
Applicants must be available for at least this amount of time.
Depending on the campaign type, the required work time will be measured in weeks (for holiday jobs) or days per week (for casual jobs).
Campaign Name
Enter a name for your campaign, such as "City Campaign Formunauts", to easily identify it.
Provide a brief overview of your recruiting campaign and the job opportunity in a few sentences.
E-Mail Template (HTML)
We provide an HTML email template customised with your preferred graphics and text.
Sender Name
Choose the name that will appear as the sender of the email.
Sender E-Mail
Select the email address you’d like to use to contact potential new fundraisers. (must be activated by us first)
Define the subject line for your email.
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