Have you ever wanted to assign a fundraiser shift to another team afterward, but got exactly this error?
The whole thing can be avoided with a few changes, we'll show you exactly how🚀
Which user type can make this adjustment?
campaign manager, customer admin
What is the procedure?
"records" refer to all donations and applications signed up for THIS DAY (of this fundraiser).
- First create a "dummy fundraiser"
- Give this "dummy fundraiser" a shift in the same team as the shift you want to edit
(here training, test) - Assign ALL donations/applications of the fundraiser's of the CURRENT DAY directly in the donation to the "dummy fundraiser"
- Now all donations/applications in the overview should be assigned to the "dummy fundraiser"
Now there are no more "records" linked to the actual fundraiser shift (in this case Steffi) you can delete the shift and add it to the correct team
- Then reassign ALL donations/applications directly in the donation to:the CORRECT FUNDRAISER. Don't forget to select the new team before saving!
- Now delete the shift of the "dummy fundraiser"
- And you're done, great job!
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