At a glance
Fundraisers need to have work shifts assigned to a team so that they can access the donor form. In this article we show you, how to add and edit teams, we introduce different team types and we give you some useful tips for your daily business.
Teams Overview
Add teams
Teams Overview
This view lists all editable teams for the user. Users (in this case coaches and team leaders) only see teams they are assigned to.
You can search your teams either by typing search words into the search bar, for example, team leader, organisation or tags or filter for a date range or specific tag. Read more on the tags below.
You can also sort your teams by clicking on the table's headers "Leader", "Start" or "End".
Check the boxes left of the thumbnails to use the option in the bottom left corner to delete the selected teams.
Please note that you can only delete a team when there are no donations linked to it.
Add teams
To add a new team click the "+Add Team" button in the top right corner.
This applies a donation form to the team. Fundraisers can only access donation or petition forms when they have an active work-shift and a campaign and/or petition form applied. A team can only work for one campaign at a time.
Petition campaigns
If you have petition-campaigns set up you can add them to your team by checking the according box. It is possible to have multiple petition-campaigns applied.
Select the team leader who is only responsible for this team. You can either search available team-leader by typing their name or fundraiser-code or you can click the search icon to the left which opens an overview of all available team-leaders. Just click the avatar of the team-leader and the window closes and adds the selected person.
Coaches, that will also be mentioned in the reports are now separated from the Assitant Coaches and directly added after the Leader of the team. (Version: 2.10.7)
Select the coach to support your team and allow him to view the teams' stats. A coach can be applied to multiple teams and sees all stats of all teams he is assigned to. Coaches are the only users that do not need an active work-shift to access a donation campaign so they can signup a new donor with all teams he might support.
Please note that if a coach has no work-shifts applied his donations do not count to the statistics so the team stats do not get falsified from a good supporting coach. His donations are saved to "unfinished donations" and can be assigned later.
Team name
You can add an individual name to every team, so you can easily find certain teams in the overview. The name of the team will be shown on the team leader dashboard, in the team statistics, and on the team reports.
Team type
Select whether the team is working on the street or door-to-door.
Campaign type
Select whether the team is a roaming-team or part of a city-campaign.
Start - End
Set the timeframe in which the team is active. You can always add or remove fundraisers if the team members change on a daily basis. TIP: To avoid clustering your Team-Stats, set up your teams in the same observation period that is relevant to your KPI's. If you work with weekly stats set up teams for a week.
Prolong work shifts automatically
By clicking this button, to the right of your timeframe, your team's work shifts will automatically respawn every day in the timeframe you have set before. If you want to add or delete shifts you can do so manually. The respawned team will always be duplicated from the last day.
With this powerful feature, you can tag teams with keywords that matter to you. Previously used tags are suggested as you start typing. If you have entered the tag just hit "," and it is added to the team. You can give every team an unlimited number of tags.
Some Examples:
If you want to A/B test different kinds of conversations and see which works better tag your teams accordingly and filter the outcome afterward.
Team A uses additional gear like VR-goggles tag it and see if they perform better than other teams.
There are countless possibilities to use tags - be creative.
Goal unit / Goal
Define the units of your teams goal: total donations, total points or the total amount of donors.
Then set a goal for you and your team to achieve in the teams lifetime.
Here you have the possibility to add allowed sites to your team. By default, all available sites are marked as active. If a team has sites assigned, the form-field that asks for the site is mandatory on the donation form. The 'Locations' bar can only be seen after the first save of the team. At the bottom of this article, you can see a screenshot of a completed and saved team.
TIP: You should always include the option "other site" to list of sites and add it to all teams. Otherwise, the fundraisers will be forced to make an incorrect selection to finish the form if their actual site is not available or assigned to the team.
Assistant coaches
Assistant Coaches, are now entered in a separate section (Version: 2.10.7)
You need to take a day off and another coach covers for you? No problem, since you can now add multiple coaches to one team. Assistant Coaches can see the team statistics and have access to the campaign that is assigned to the team but they are not shown on the reports.
Fundraiser work shifts
Here is where you actually add the fundraisers to the team and assign work-shifts. Every person that should have access to the donation- or petition-form needs to be added here and have a work-shift assigned. The default view of the work-shift list always is the current date, but it is also possible to add work-shifts for the future. To do this just add the fundraisers to the bottom of the list and change the date accordingly.
TIP: Especially if you use the app to calculate payments it is vital to keep a clean record of your fundraisers' shifts. It is important that your team-leaders, coaches or campaign-managers keep track of the work-shifts and delete or edit them if fundraisers do not show up or leave early.
You can edit any work-shift at any time, but you can only delete a work-shift if no donation is assigned to it.
You can only delete fundraiser work shifts as long as there are no donations connected to it. To do this select the x button on the right side of the row with the work shift that you want to delete. After the work shift is highlighted red press save.
We currently are experiencing a little bug in team setup that leads to hidden error messages. If you get an error upon team creation please check the date-buttons under work-shifts and press the button for the date you are editing - this is where you will see your error message.
After you have entered all the data, click 'Save' at the bottom right to save your entries.
After saving, your team can then look like in the screenshot below. Here you can also see the two fields added after saving: 'Locations' (blue bar) and 'Prolong work shifts automatically' (checkbox next to the date).
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